Upper Mustang Jeep Tour

Upper Mustang Jeep tour that drive you to the walled city of Lo-Manthang, capital of Mustang, have attracted tourists since tourists were first allowed to enter the forbidden Kingdom of Mustang. This is a historic place with uncountable cliffs and sky caves, a mountain desert landscape, and arid and high-altitude land all together. Now, with the advent of a rough jeep road that extends up through the spectacular Kali Gandaki Valley, between Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, it is possible to travel between and beyond the Himalayas onto the Tibetan Plateau and reach Lo Manthang by Jeep Drive. The ochre-colored, wind-eroded, untamed wildness of Mustang remains the same.

So far, a special permit is required for the foreigner. On this Upper Mustang Jeep Drive Tour, you can now reach Lo-Manthang and explore this once-forbidden mountain scrape without having to trek hard and long. Our Mustang Jeep Tour from Pokhara to Lo Manthang over land is very much an adventurous Nepal cultural tour. The landscape and the journey are on a bumpy, dusty road that remains at the mercy of the mountain gods and the climate.

We carefully considered that it is preferable not to spend “all day, every day” driving while planning our suggested route because it is slow and bumpy trip. On the way to Lo-Mangthang, we will explore some villages and stop at view points. We stayed for some nights in ‘comfort lodges’.

Book your Upper Mustang trip with us! Shangri-La Voyages Team