Karnali River Rafting

Karnali River Rafting is one of the best rivers rafting in the world. This magnificent river originates from Mt. Kailash in Tibet. Karnali River literally means “Holy water from the sacred mountain,” which is located in the far-western region of Nepal. The Karnali River is the longest and one of the mightiest rivers in Nepal. Taking about the difficulty level: The Karnali River offers a range of difficulty levels, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters. Some sections have class III to IV rapids, providing a good balance of excitement and safety. Rafting on the Karnali is not just a heart-pounding adventure but also a journey of exploration through the untouched corners of Nepal’s natural wonders.

Sauli is the rafting put-in-point. The river drops into imposing canyons filled with powerful big volume white-water. There is a wide variety of fauna and flora including dense forests, jungle and also remote villages. Just enough easier water to regroup and prepare for the next big challenge separates rapids like “Captivity”, “Flip and Strip” and “Gods House”. Towards the end of the trip the river gradient begins to ease as the Karnali leaves the mountains and flows out into the Gangetic plains of Terai. Jungle is thickens and the river is broadens than pristine Beaches become bigger and more beautiful.

Book your Karnali River Rafting with us! Shangri-La Voyages Team