Sacred Erotic Arts in Nepal

August 25, 2023 badri

In Nepal, aged temples have erotic poses of sexual Love generally carved on wood and the carvings are especially made on the struts of the temples. The Sacred Erotic Arts in Nepal have a long and rich history, deeply rooted in the country’s ancient traditions and religious beliefs. These arts, often referred to as “Kama Sutra,” are not merely about sexual pleasure but are considered a spiritual practice that aims to elevate one’s consciousness and connect with the divine.

These arts encompass various forms of expression, from sculptures and paintings that depict the divine union of male and female energies, to intricate rituals and practices that explore the spiritual dimension of human sexuality. Seen as a means of union with the divine and a path toward enlightenment, the sacred erotic arts in Nepal celebrate the power of love and sensuality in a sacred and profound way, inviting practitioners to explore the depth and beauty of their own sexual and spiritual essence.

These arts have been practiced for centuries and are regarded as a form of spiritual expression. The rituals and practices associated with sacred erotic arts aim to awaken and channel the divine energy within individuals, promoting a sense of union with the divine. This ancient tradition is deeply rooted in the belief that embracing and celebrating our sexual nature can lead to self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.

One example of sacred erotic arts in Nepal is the practice of Tantric rituals, where couples engage in intimate acts as a means of spiritual connection and personal growth. These rituals involve intricate body movements, breath control techniques, and the use of symbolic objects to awaken and channel the divine energy within oneself and with their partner.

Although the exact and official reason for Sacred Erotic Arts in Nepal is not known, various experts have given different versions of opinions. Some of the reasons are;

Religious view

Hinduism considers sex one of the most important parts of human life. Sex was never a taboo during the ancient period. Many believe the erotic carvings on the temples are meant for sex education.

In Hinduism, there is a path known as Kama that is said to lead to merging with Brahma or escaping the cycle of rebirth. This path involves a focus on materialistic living, including sexual expression. As such, it is not uncommon to see sculptures in Hindu temples that depict various aspects of material life, including Kama.

To maintain the number of Population

In ancient times, when Buddhism had become more popular many people started to remain unmarried, and there was a risk of a population decline. Buddhism teaches people to remain unmarried for life. Other hand Hindu leaders started to get worried and conveyed the message that Hinduism is not that rigid and that it is more about life than shying out of it.

Luxury of Royalty

Some believe it is nothing more than the luxury of the ancient Hindu kings. The Hindu kings of ancient times were noted for their extravagance and hence, some scholars believe that the sculptures were part of this luxury.

Safety of temples

In ancient times Muslim rulers destroyed temples when they captured kingdoms and cities. It was believed, that Muslim people detest nudity and wouldn’t come near the temples when erotic carvings were made on them and hence, will be saved. Sculptures protect gods and keep bad spirits away from temples, according to some beliefs.

Sex education

In ancient times, it was common for individuals to marry young with limited knowledge of sexual matters. They didn’t have the communication mediums that we have today. So, the artists created sculptures and erected them in temples to teach them how it is done.

Lightning Safety

Lightning, according to Hindu belief, is the god Kumari (Virgin Goddess). If sexual sculptures are posted in temples, Lightning God will feel shy to visit the place and won’t strike.